Wednesday, May 7, 2008

When Innocence is Crushed


That's the only word for the story about the man in Austria accused of incest. After the news first broke, I can't bear to read about it any more

That story is only one of the worst in the daily accounts of the abuse of God's gift of human sexuality.

Someone not convinced of the ultimate goodness and wisdom of God might be tempted to question what he was thinking about when he granted to man the ability to beget life. When God gave man that privilege, he gave away enormous power. Power for good, and power for evil.

(That's much different, by the way, from the ability of animals to procreate. Animals don't give birth to a soul made in the image of God. Only people do that.)

God is eternal and I am not. If my puny perspective fails to grasp what He has in mind, should I be surprised? Some day I will know even as I am known. Some day we will see what God already sees about this. Just not yet, not here.

In the meantime, we Christ followers are called to bring His blessing and healing and reconciliation to the world. Wherever there is brokenness, we can bring healing in His name.

There is plenty of brokenness in the communities of the North Pacific Crescent. Sexual abuse, for example, happens way too much in so many of these communities. For obvious reasons, it's almost impossible to get statistics about it, but anyone who works in these environments knows the stories.

Too many young girls live in dread of the night. Too many bedrooms have no doors. Too many children know so little of real childhood.

It's hard for outsiders to understand the damage done by sexual abuse. Years after the last night of horror, people are still suffering. Marriages cannot survive, families struggle. The function of entire communities can be crippled by this reality.

But that's not the end of the story. Jesus has His people in some of these places. His powerful love is bringing a difference.

One of the best examples of that is a program called Hearts Going Toward Wellness. Alaska Native leaders dreamed it up and are leading the way. Check it out at

It's our privilege to participate.

Yours, too. Ask me how.

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