Friday, April 18, 2008

Is it omaha?

One of the fun things about living in Boring, Oregon is ordering stuff on the phone. You know when they ask for your shipping address? The more professional telemarketers are pretty smooth about it, but sometimes I catch a suppressed chuckle when they ask "city?" and I say "Boring."
"Actually," I tell them after they stop laughing, "it's such a beautiful place we have to call it something to keep the crowds away."

(Full disclosure: The picture is actually taken about four miles up the road, in nearby Sandy, but you could get much the same picture if you chose the right spot in Boring.)

I have been asked, more than once, "Is it boring?" to which I have replied (after asking them their location), "Is it omaha?"

Valerie and I (with our two sons, Zach and Caleb) moved here in 1990, before some of my readers were born, and exactly 3.27 times longer than anywhere I have ever lived in my whole life. Now the boys are grown and we have a couple of grandsons. We have planted trees and watched them grow up. Ten, in fact. Amazing.

Life is good. God is good.


KimDoll said...

I'm jealous. I wish we could live somewhere even remotely near as beautiful as Boring. Can we really come build on your land? ;)

I think its wonderful that you read my blog. I love knowing that you're keeping up with us. Love you!

CristyLynn said...

Finally catching up on your blog, and I really like it!
This post reminds me of some of the responses we would get when we told people we lived in Yazoo City. No end of "witty responses" to that one as well. :)

I appreciate your efforts to keep the InterAct community connected. We have greatly benefited from feeling more a part of a community and learning more about our fellow missionaries. Thanks!
